2/22 1+ Week

Bench: 245x5, 280x3, 310x3. No spotter
BBB bench: 5x10 at 175lbs with fat grips
Neck harness: 5x30 at 25lbs
Squat: 280x5, 315x3, 355x4

2/18 1+ Week

Deadlift 360x5, 405x3, 455x4
Front squat 205x5, 230x5, 260x5
Hill sprints: 12 x55m, walk down after each

2/17 1s Week

Press: 160x5, 185x3, 200x3
CGBP: 185x5, 210x5, 240x5. With fat grips
Barbell rows: 185 x10, x10, x10

Final press set

2/7 thru 2/11 5s and 3s Weeks

Friday 2/14/2014
Bench: 230x3, 260x3, 295x4
BBB bench: 5x10 at 170lbs
Squat: 260x3, 300x3, 335x5

Tuesday 2/11/2014
Deadlift: 335x3, 380x3, 430x4. Took it easy.
Then 10x55m hill sprints, walk down

Monday 2/10/2014
Press: 150x3, 170x3, 190x4
CGBP: 170x8, 205x8, 225x8
Barbell rows: 135 x12, x12, x16
Ball chins: 6, 5

Friday 2/7/2014 (5s)
Bench: 215x5, 245x5, 280x6. No spotter.
BBB bench: 5x10 at 165 with fat grips
Squat: 245x5, 280x5, 315x6
Neck harness: 25lbs x25x5

Tuesday 2/4/2014 5s Week

Deadlift: 315x5, 365x5, 405x6
Front squat: 155x10, 185x10. Skipped the 215x10 set
~1.1 mile jog, easy pace

Monday 2/3/2014 5s Week

Press: 140x5, 160x5, 180x6
CGBP with fat grips: 155, 170, 205 x10
Ball chins: 5, 3, 6, 7

1/30/2014 Deload Week

Bench: 135, 160, 195 x5
Squat: 145, 185, 220 x5
RDL: 145, 185, 215 x5

Hill sprints: 8x55m, walk down and go immediately

1/28/14 Deload Week

Press: 95, 105, 125 x5
CGBP: 125, 155, 185 x5
Deadlift: 195, 245, 280 x5

Easy 1.1 mile jog